Sheep Projections Webinar


Sheep Industry Projections Webinar Monitoring livestock numbers and lamb production expectations through regular producer surveys forms the basis of MLA’s Industry Projections. This forward-looking information allows producers to make more efficient decisions in their business. This webinar will delve into the story behind the numbers Outlines how information is collated and fact checked Details on how projections are created Deep dive into major state projections and what that may mean for business Understand how you can contribute to improve the accuracy of this data (every February, June and October) Key points in the MLA analysis include: The national sheep flock is set to increase 5% to 67.3 million head by June 2021 Lamb numbers to lift on the back of increased marking rates The information provided by these projections is utilised by Government (when examining infrastructure requirements), processors, in planning where to best source stock (where buyers should focus), producers in when and where to market their product, and a multitude of decisions that are influenced, which we will unearth in this Webinar. How these figures ae collated and their accuracy is important, as a false picture can lead to a false sense of security and inaction. Low numbers of producers providing feedback is an issue. I implore everyone to encourage as many staff and members as possible to attend so we can look at the best way to get an accurate annual snapshot of our industry. Presented by: Stephen Bignell, MLA Market Information Manager Stephen Crisp, SPA CEO Recorded 17 March 2021 Background Information: Read the full report on MLA Sheep Industry Projections 2021 View the latest MLA/AWI wool and sheepmeat survey on which these projections are based.

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